Bryan Singers X-Men Apocalypse is the latest installment in the X-Men franchise. It chronicles the worlds very first mutant En Sabah Nur/Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac). in a quest for a world free of humans, Apocalypse (Isaac) enlists the help of four enhanced individuals. (Storm, Psylocke, Angel, Archangel) to help him with his quest. In the past X-Men films were known for jam packed action sequences, with serious undertones. In the beginning of the film were introduced to a young Storm (Alexandra Shipp) stealing as a means to survive. Until she meets Apocalypse (Isaac) who enhances her weather changing abilities, and recruits her for his mission. In all the comics, not including the previous Storm (Hallie Berry). This sad attempt to make storm likable and vulnerable was utterly pathetic. Storm in the comics was completely opposite. Storm was known as a strong and confident dark-skinned woman, who wasn't to be taken likely. However, in this film she was anything but, sadly it seems this movie was just a money grab to play on fans willingness to support the franchise. Other than a few hit or miss comedy lines, this movie really disappointed me. The acting was lackluster at best, and some scenes were just plain out awkward. If you haven't seen the movie yet, I would wait until it comes out for digital download. 

Stars: 2 out of 5


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