Tim Miller's DEADPOOL is a film based off Marvel Comics anti-hero of the same name. DEADPOOL played by Ryan Reynolds is a franchise based on a flamboyant loudmouth with regenerating abilities. After tracking down the person responsible for his peril, Ajax(Ed Skrein). DEADPOOL (Reynolds) is hellbent on making him pay. After finding out that Ajax ( Ed Skrein) can't fix him as he claimed. DEADPOOL (Reynolds) vows to make Ajax (Skrein) pay a thousand times over in the worse way possible. Let's start with the comedic gab that's littered all over DEADPOOL'S script. I for one commend the writers of DEADPOOL for taking risks, even to the extent in which some of the jokes had to be scrap for going too far. The 11 years it took to officially make DEADPOOL was clearly worth it. With a $760 million box office total, not including toys, dvd sales etc. It's a safe bet that there will be many, many more DEADPOOL movies soon enough. Marvel fans everywhere DEADPOOL 2 is on it's way. Stay tuned!

Stars: 5 out of 5


  1. Very funny movie. Although I did not agree with parents bringing their kids to see it, I really enjoyed it.

    1. Agreed, although any parent that allows their kids to see a rated R film with sexual situations and preverse language. Should probably consider parenting classes, and lose their kids to the state for a while.


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